The most important RULE OF THE ROAD in South Africa is?
A. Always be courteous and considerate towards fellow road users.
B. Do not exceed the speed limit.
C. Keep to the left side of the road far as is safe.
Sign C3 shows you that...
A. You may drive there if you wish.
B. You must drive there.
C. The road is reserved for taxis only
You are approaching an intersection and the traffic light turns amber (orange). You must..
A. Hit the brakes hard and stop, even if you are going to stop over the stop line and pedestrian lines.
B. Slow down and stop before the stop line, unless you cannot stop safely.
C. Gear down and speed up to get across the intersection.
Sign K3 shows you that you...
A. Are only drive there between 06:00 and 09:00
B. May not park there for more than 3 hours.
C. May not drive there between 06:00 and 09:00.
Which of the following would disqualify you from obtaining a
learner's licence?
(i) You are deaf. (ii) You suffer from epilepsy but it is controlled
with medication. (iii) You are 75 years of age or older. (iv) You had a
licence suspended and the suspension period is not over yet.
A. Only (iv) is correct.
B. (ii) and (iii) are correct
C. All of the above are correct.
Sign G9 shows you that...
A. You must use that part of the road.
B. You can use that part of the road if you wish.
C. The road is reserved for taxis only.
When are you expected to carry your original learner's licence?
A. Only when you are driving and you are alone in the car.
B. Whenever you are the driver of a vehicle.
C. When you are driving on a freeway.
Sign F5 shows you that...
A. No light motorcars may drive there.
B. No taxis may drive there.
C. You may not park your motorcar there.
The sequence of the basic elements of defensive driving is...
A. Identify, predict, search, decide, execute.
B. Predict, search, identify, decide, execute.
C. Search, identify, predict, decide, execute.
A. Buses to drive past this sign.
B. Taxis to drive past this sign.
C. Minibuses to drive past this sign.
Defensive driving means...
A. Maintaining a clear space around your vehicle at all times.
B. Defending yourself on the road.
C. Being an aggressive driver.
What does this combination sign stipulate to the driver?
A. The minimum speed a light motor vehicle should travel in km/h.
B. The maximum speed a light motor vehicle should travel in km/h.
C. The speed a light motor vehicle should maintain in km/h.
If you are driving on a dual-carriageway and you are travelling faster than other vehicles, which lane should you use?
A. The right-hand lane.
B. Center lane.
C. Left-hand lane.
What is the meaning of this sign?
A. The road comes to dead end in the next 5 km there for no cars are allowed.
B. For the next 5 km, light motor vehicles are prohibited on that road.
A. Light motor vehicles should drive at 5 km/h.
Which of the following are not allowed on a freeway? (i) Pedestrians. (ii) Hand signals. (iii) Motor tricycles.
A. Only (i) and (ii) are correct.
B. All of the above are correct.
C. Only (ii) and (iii) are correct.
This sign informs you of...
A. A parking reserved for mini buses.
B. A lane reserved for mini buses
C. A minibus rank in the vicinity.
Any driver/ rider of a motor vehicle, would be legally accused of
driving under the influence when the concentration of alcohol in their
blood is... (Note that different levels apply to professional drivers).
A. 0.5 g per 100 ml of blood or more.
B. 0.05 g per 100 ml of blood or more.
C. 0.02 g per 100 ml of blood or more.
This command sign informs you that this part of the road may be used by...
A. Heavy motor vehicles.
B. Light motor vehicles.
C. Motorcycles.
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Any professional driver would be legally accused of driving under
the influence when the concentration of alcohol in their blood is...
A. 0.2 g per 100 ml of blood or more.
B. 0.02 g per 100 ml of blood or more.
C. 0.05 g per 100 ml of blood or more.
For the next 500 m you are prohibited from...
A. Driving slow.
B. Overtaking other vehicles.
C. Racing with other vehicles.
Which rules apply to adjustable spotlights? (i) Vehicles of
medical doctors, vets or breakdown contractors may have adjustable
spotlights. (ii) Adjustable spotlights must light up other vehicles or
persons atleast 100 m ahead of your vehicle. (iii) Adjustable spotlights
are permissible on game-spotting vehicles.
A. Only (i) is correct.
B. (i) and (iii) Only are correct.
C. All of the above are correct.
Where can you find this sign?
A. Near a beach area.
B. In roads where there are more pedestrians than normally can be expected.
C. Near a clinic.
When pedestrians are already crossing the road into which you are turning left, you must...
A. Sound your hooter to warn them of your presence.
B. Continue driving as it is your right of way.
C. Wait and allow them to cross the road.
What does this sign forbids?
A. U-turn
B. Left turn
c. Right turn
Before you reach the exit where you will be leaving the freeway, how should you position your vehicle?
A. In the left-hand lane.
B. In the middle lane.
C. In the shoulder of the road.
What do you do upon approaching this sign?
A. Follow the traffic signs when you want to join the more important route.
B. When wanting yo exit the freeway follow the sign direction
c. Follow the sign direction if you want to enter the freeway.
What is the ideal frequency for checking your rear-view mirror(s) whilst driving?
A. Every 5 to 8 seconds.
B. Every minute.
C. Only when you intend on changing direction, slowing down or stopping.
What is the meaning of this sign?
a. You may not turn right at the intersection.
b. You must proceed to the right at the intersection.
c. There is a one-way road to the right at the intersection.
Pedestrians must cross a roadway only at a pedestrian crossing or
at an intersection or at a distance further than... from such
pedestrian crossing or intersection.
A. 30 m.
B. 45 m.
C. 50 m.
Where would you find this sign?
a. 300 m from a freeway off-ramp.
b. At the start of the freeway.
c. Before a tunnel, where you should switch your vehicle's headlights on in the dipped position.
You may not park your vehicle alongside or opposite any other vehicle on a road where such roadway is less than... wide.
A. 9 m.
B. 10 m.
C. 6 m.
The arrow E from the right in the sketch, shows you that you...
a. Must turn right from that lane.
b. Can still change lanes if you want to go straight.
c. Can turn right or move straight only if it is safe.
Parking lights may be used...
A. Outside a demarcated parking bay.
B. Inside a demarcated parking bay.
C. Less than 12 m from a street light.
This sign shows you that there is a...
A. Sharp curve to the left ahead.
B. detour to the left.
c. Obstruction left of the road.
You may drive without a seatbelt...
A. If you are travelling under 30 km/h.
B. When parking or reversing.
C. If the seatbelt has been removed by someone.
Road marking RTM1 in the sketch booklet sketch 8...
A. Are lines that indicate another traffic lane.
B. Are the lines where pedestrians walk.
C. Shows you that you may not stop further than the front one of the two.
You may use a mobile phone while driving...
A. If it is held in your hand and you are stationary at an intersection.
B. If it is not being held in your hand or any other part of your body.
C. Both A and B are correct.
Look in the sketch booklet, sketch 6. When you see road-marking (a), you...
A. May not park there at all.
B. May not park there because it is parking for ambulances only.
C. Know it is a lane reserved for emergency vehicles.
The minimum required tyre tread depth for light motor vehicles is... mm
A. 2.
B. 1.
C. 0.5.
This road marking shows you that you must...
a. Stop.
b. Yield to all users of the road and possibly also trains.
c. Lookout for school kids.
Vehicles are considered abandoned...
A. If it is parked in the same place for 24 hours or more outside an urban area.
B. It it may cause damage or obstruct traffic.
C. Both A and B are correct.
What must you do when you see this sign?
a. Turn left if you want to
b. Look out for vehicles turning left
c. Proceed left only
An emergency triangle must be placed...
A. Atleast 30 m behind the stationary vehicle.
B. 20 m behind the stationary vehicle.
C. Atleast 45 m behind the stationary vehicle.
How must you react when you approach this sign at an intersection?
a. Travel at a high speed and pass as quickly as possible
b. Park your vehicle and travel by foot
C. Give right of way to pedestrians crossing the road or wanting to cross the road.
A flashing red robot means...
A. You may pass through the intersection without stopping.
B. Give way to vehicles to your left and right only.
C. Consider the intersection a 4-way stop.
What does this sign mean?
a. Unless otherwise indicated by a supplementary sign, you may not park here during any time of the day or night
b. No private vehicles allowed to drive beyond this sign.
c. No pedestrians allowed beyond this sign.
When are you allowed to drive on the right-hand side of the road, with traffic in both directions?
A. Only after switching your emergecy lights on.
B. When a traffic officer instructs you to do so.
C. Under no circumstances.
What does this sign tell road users?
a. cattle farm ahead
B. wild animals ahead
C. The may be free ranging animals such as cattles on the road.
You are not allowed to stop...
A. 5 m from a bridge.
B. In a place where you are not allowed to park.
C. Opposite a vehicle where the roadway is 10 m wide.
Which vehicle type is allowed on this part of the road?
A. Only tour buses may drive there.
b. Only mini buses may drive there
C. Only buses may drive there
You are allowed to stop on a freeway in the instance...
a. A traffic officer instructs you to do so.
b. You need to pick up hitch-hikers.
c. Passengers need to stretch their legs.
What does this road marking tell vehicle drivers?
A. You may not cross to the right hand side of the line
B. Car racing is allowed
c. You may only travel at high speed on this road.
If you want to change lanes, you must...
a. Give the necessary signal and after looking for other traffic, change lanes.
b. Apply the brakes lightly and then change lanes..
c. Switch on your indicator and change lanes.
How should vehicle drivers react to this road marking? (i) Do not
drive on this part of the road. (ii) Can park to change tyre. (iii) May
stop for a break.
A. (i) only
b. (i) and (ii)
C. (i), (ii) and (iii)
A vehicle of which the brakes are not good, must be towed...
a. On a trailer.
b. With a rope.
c. With a tow-bar.
What action must you take when you see this sign?
A. Slow down and be ready to stop if necessary.
b. Slow down and be careful of other traffic.
C. Slow down and stop before you go.
You may carry passengers in a vehicle that is being towed... (i)
if you only travel at 35 km/h. (ii) if the vehicle that is being towed
is a semi-trailer. (iii) only if the vehicle that tows something is a
A. (i) and (ii) Only are correct.
B. (i) Only is correct.
C. All of the above are correct.
What is the purpose of this sign?
A. None of the below is correct.
B. To warn truck drivers that they are not allowed on this route.
To give guidance regarding the shape of the intersection ahead, the
number of routes and destinations of such routes leaving the
The furthest that your vehicles dim lights may shine in front of you is?
A. 45 metres.
B. 100 metres.
C. 150 metres.
Where an overtaking prohibited sign is displayed, you may not
overtake another vehicle for the next..., unless otherwise indicated by
a secondary road sign.
A. 1 km.
B. 500 m.
c. 50 m.
The speed of the vehicle can be increased by control?.
a. 10.
b. 9.
c. 8.
Which control is used before applying the brake in order to slow down or stop.
a. 1.
b. 8.
c. 10.
Which control is used before changing direction of a vehicle?
a. 5.
b. 9.
c. 8.
Which control is used before changing the speed of the vehicle?
a. 9.
b. 10.
c. 1.
Which control is used to advise other road users of your
intention to steer to the left or right, or to turn to the left or
a. 3.
b. 8.
c. 5.
The following control is used to alert other road users in order to avoid a collision?
A. 11.
B. 7.
C. 4.
Which control is used to avoid the vehicle stalling just before coming to a complete standstill?
A. 7.
B. 8.
C. 10.
In order to bring the vehicle to a complete standstill, what control is used?
A. 3.
B. 4.
C. 9.